Caring for Orthopaedic Wounds

   27 May 2023 - 27 May 2023      9am to 12pm      SingHealth Tower Function Room, SGH Campus, 10 Hospital Blvd, Singapore 168582


Singapore General Hospital

Programme Outline

Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), also referred to as vacuum-assisted wound closure (VAC), is used in both acute and chronic wounds. Speaker will be sharing her experience on managing Orthopaedic wounds. Join us for an interactive workshop on the use of various NPWT modalities.

Event Type


Event Mode


Registration Details

Please complete the form at for registration of the event.

Registration Fees Payable

$5 per pax

Point-of-Contact Information

Please email Ms Cindy Lim at if you need more information about the workshop.

CPE Eligibility

2 CPE points

Caring for Orthopaedic Wounds URL Link

Caring for Orthopaedic Wounds